Open your cart to calculate shipping costs or to collect the materials from our warehouse.
The sample service is currently unavailable.
We suggest you look for samples directly in your area (faster and cheaper).
Alternatively, you can order the minimum quantity of each product and choose to collect it in our warehouses or have it shipped to your home.
We are an online retailer of tiles. You can order all the products in our catalogue and receive them directly to your home.
Do you have agents or resellers?
We don't have agents and there aren't authorized dealers selling Dimora products.
How can I trust you?
We have been working for years with dedication, professionalism, and speed. We are always ready to satisfy our customers, and we invest heavily to offer you a constantly updated store.
Does Dimora have websites with similar names?
No, Dimora has no relationship with websites such as, Please refer exclusively to our official website for any purchase or information.